
Wednesday 25 August 2010

The Gallery - This picture is on my wall

This is the only picture I have ever taken that I have printed out, put in a frame, and hung on my wall.

I took it on our honeymoon in Positano. I think it looks impossible, like something Escher would have imagined.

I am very proud of it.

This picture is in response to Tara's Gallery, and unusually, I have taken the brief literally this week and actually given you a picture that, in and of itself, I am proud of.  Instead of one of something I am proud of having done, or made, or given birth to...

I bet there are going to be loads of really amazing pictures in the Gallery this week, both literal, and not-so.  Go and have a look!


  1. This is great - it's like they're stacked in a pile and somehow not falling over - very Escher indeed. Great capture! :)

  2. What a gorgeous picture, by the way where is Positano...Italy?

  3. Oh anything Italian and I come over all mushy. Fantastic pic!

  4. Wow, that is amazing!

  5. It's like a house pyramid :) Great shot.

  6. it IS just like an Escher picture. it looks like they're balancing on top of each other :) great picture

  7. That's quite mind blowing - makes my eyes a bit squiffy - you don't tire of looking at it iykwim (but then I guess that's why it's on your wall!).

  8. I have almost the exact same picture taken on my honeymoon, we stayed in Sorrento and visited Positano a couple of times. Some of the best pictures I have taken were on my honeymoon but sadly they are all packed away ready for moving so I couldn't use them! Beautiful, thanks for the memories x

  9. Oh my goodness, what a fab photo! Looks like a lovely wee place! :)

  10. Amazing! I agree, just like Escher! In fact, I think I want it on my wall too... :)

  11. Great photo! I want to go there now. :0)

  12. Ow bet you like the movie 'Under the Tuscan Sun' as it has a few scenes in it that are filmed in Positano.

    What a absolutely wonderful photo, did Ikea get you yet to offer you a contract so they can print it and sell? :-))

  13. That's a fantastic photo and I bet it brings back great memories too.

  14. Great shot, it does look impossible :) Jen

  15. Beautiful photo and a beautiful place, I went there two years ago :) Youve captured it beautifully!

  16. Oh this is a super shot, how right you are to be proud. Gorgeous!!

  17. That's a brilliant shot - there is certainly something of the surreal about it!

  18. Gorgeous picture, very Escher. I bet it is lovely on your wall, it would make me want to be there soaking up Italy every time I looked at it.


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...