Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The Gallery - All White?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Because, if the truth be told, I've found the last couple of weeks a little trying.  We're bang in the middle of it, you see.  Look at any of those maps of where in the UK has the worst weather, and we're it.  The garden still has about three feet of snow, the thermometer didn't get above -7 today, and the car iced itself to the road last Friday.  Add to that the fact that I can't get all three girls out of the house at the same time, because although we're in the middle of a town, the Council is studiously ignoring our road so it's walk in, walk out only, which is not so easy with three under four and an increasingly large bump, that Tescos won't come (see Council whinge above), that the local supermarkets are rationing bread and milk, there is ice on the inside of our loo window, and the entire area has sold out of snow tyres and you'll get why I'm a little fed up of the whole thing.

But then every now and then, just as my stress levels are rising, I look around.  And I realise, yet again, how unbelievably beautiful it is.  I finally had proof today too that I'll never be really good at this photography lark - nothing to do with the talent of course, but I don't have the commitment.  It was an absolutely stunning day here.  Frost everywhere, empty blue skies, bare branches white against them.   And although I thought, about forty-eight times; "I should go and get the camera" I didn't.

But here are some I have taken over the last week or so. Some I'm proud of, some didn't quite work out how I meant.  But they're all white:


This post was written for Tara's Gallery. Click on the link to see more White (but not necessarily snowy) pictures.


  1. Good for you for posting snow photos despite it being such a cold, wet, persistent inconvenience!

    I think I like the window ones best, the contrast in all the branches looks amazing.

  2. You really have been suffering the worst of it -my family in Newcastle are similarly engulfed by the white stuff.

    My fave pic is the third one.

  3. Wow. You do have reason to complain. That must be tough!

  4. Great photos especially if you weren't being committed! Sorry you've been suffering I don't envy you having snow at all, hate the stuff!

  5. But there are some gorgeous shots here! Agree with perfect pages I love the shot out the window.
    As I am going round the gallery I am realising how tired everyone is! Me too, and it must be the weather.
    Keep warm :)

  6. They are beautiful photos! I feel your pain. x

  7. The window pictures are amazing. We missed out on a lot of the snow here in Berkshire

  8. Green apple! Lovely contrast. Great Photos. Well done

  9. Oh no, we have had hardly any snow and I really feel for those that have had waaaay too much! Great pics tho x

  10. Good grief that's a lots of snow!

    Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous though, love the shots with some colour in to beak the white!

  11. Wow, I cannot believe how much snow you still have! I love the shots from the window, looks cozy! x

  12. I'm voting for No. 2. Lovely photos. And we can hardly get out of the village - goodness knows how you're coping in the Borders.

  13. Love the second one - a proper action shot! Hope you thaw out soon...x

  14. I love the window shots, they're fab! I'm sorry you've had such a difficult time, I hope there is a thaw very soon.

  15. I love that second photo...what energy and enthusiasm!

  16. wow! that is a whole load of snow! hope you are all keeping warm :)

  17. Great pictures, love the last one, the colours in the sky are stunning!

  18. Great pics i love the sunset, window and is it an apple? on the tree.

  19. We have ice on the inside of the windows too - and I thought that was something from the history books! Lovely winter photos x

  20. Love these photos, especially the bottom one and the one of the trees through the window. x

  21. That's a serious amount of snow... and I thought we'd had a fair dumping!

  22. Beautiful thick snow has now turned into horrible thick ice. Its impossible to walk on the pavements and I feel as though I look like my mum when I try and walk on the road. I'm staying in until next week, at least.

  23. Gosh, lovely photos...that is seriously thick snow. Very Christmassy though!

  24. Thank you all for lovely comments and sorry for the appalling time it's taken me to say that! I could blame the snow, and in fact I will, because it's made us all very crotchety and cabin-fevery...

    It's sort of gone now - we're down from about four feet in the garden to about four inches which is good, and it's quite weird to walk on now, it's gone sort of granita-y (if that makes any sense, all full of ice crystals, and most unlike snow). Still we can at last get the car back to the house which is definitely a good thing!

    Thank you too for all liking my favourite picture too - next time I will have the courage of my convictions and go with the one I think is best, rather than hedging my bets and putting lots on!

    ps I'm not sure that poor bay tree under all the snow in the last but one picture is ever going to recover. Wish it well...


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...