Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The End

Where did four and a half years go?

Not to mention 53 days (Or 1,272 hours.  Or 76,320 minutes)

Today was the end.

Or the beginning...


  1. Not the end, only another beginning...

    1. I know! What am I going to do with myself with only one child?!

  2. Where does it go? My second will be starting in a couple weeks. Who do we talk to about getting time to slow down? Even just a little...

    1. Apparently it's all to do with the fact that you have fewer new experiences as you get older...

      But I've had more new experiences in the last six years than I did in my own childhood. Four times as many... So why's it going four times as fast?

  3. Hold on tight. It only gets faster.

  4. It's a beginning for sure, and just because they aren't at home don't expect to be less busy lol.

  5. The time which has passed quickest in my son's life has been, for me, secondary school. I remember lots about his early school days but these last few have rattled by. But every age has been a real joy - try and savour each moment.

  6. I really feel this with M - because I'm so conscious of how time has vanished with the older three I spend my days looking at him and wanting to bottle each individual stage.

    Now I'm making myself nostalgic in advance.

    Is there a word for that? There should be.

    1. And that was to Trish - blogger's doing funny things, as usual.


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...