Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The Gallery - Outside my front door.

Tara said it didn't have to be literal, but you all know what my immediate area looks like - rows of Victorian (or possibly Georgian looking at the end of the road) terraces, interspersed with bombing in-fill or 60s and 70s estates.  It's nothing special, but it's home.  For the next month at least.   If I go further afield, you know what that looks like too.  It's on any teatowel bought by any tourist to London.

So I've gone literal.  Because this sign, right outside my front door, is pretty much the biggest thing in my life at the moment. I'm also accidentally advertising our estate agent in the process, but I hope they'll forgive me. Sadly Tara's deadline has come before the tree outside is properly in blossom, but it's getting there.

But she's also pre-empted me.  It's four weeks tomorrow until we move out, and I've been thinking that I need to record the stuff I'll forget.  The views and sights I walk past every day, and which make this little corner of London mine.  So consider this the first in an occasional, and necessarily short, series of pictures taken outside (and inside) my front door.

I'm really intrigued to see what everyone else's front doorstep looks like.  The rest of the gallery is here.


  1. Great idea, the blossom is lovely. Yes, get snapping because it will never look quite the same once you move. :0)

  2. I've got one of those outside my front door at the moment too, but unfortunately it doesn't have 'sold' on it.

  3. very pretty - i like!!! loooove blossoms!!!

  4. Sounds like you live where I used to live until last year! Lovely to see the blossom coming out.

  5. Love the urban nature but the words are way too cryptic - what are these "tea towels" you speak off? :)

  6. Love the blossom, I am so missing the ornimental cherry we had in our first house. I NEED one for here!

  7. Fabulous picture. Literal is sometimes the best interpretation. Best of luck with your move.

  8. Wow stunning blossom! And I love the composition too :D

  9. Hello! I'm in the process of selling and fingers crossed moving too and I'm a member of TAMBA and I have twins aged 20 months non ID.
    Hope your move goes well and I love the photo - I have taken loads of this place for the record! :)

  10. How great it is when the trees start to blossom, it means change and in your case a big change.
    Good luck packing!:-)

  11. Lovely symbolism. Spring, new growth, change, new beginnings.

  12. Beautiful picture - good luck getting everything done over the next 4 weeks

  13. good luck in the house sale!

    i liked your take on the topic =)

  14. I love that photie! Beautiful flower against the backdrop of normality, gorgeous :)

  15. Thank you all!!! I can't say I enjoyed taking it. I had to climb on to the top of the post at the end of our little wall separating the "front garden" (aka metre and a half of concrete) from the street and balance there while simultaneously holding the branch in the right place, shouting at L not to wander into the street and ignoring the very odd looks from the passersby! Glad it was worth it!

    Oh, and specific replies:

    Iota and Chelle - it'd be lovely if the symbolism was deliberate, but I'm not that clever!
    And Mrs W - you know. It's the grimy thing with mould on it that you use to wipe your children's faces when you can't immediately put your hands on a tissue...


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...