Wednesday 5 May 2010


The girls are here. My mum brought them back last night, turning what was a house of cardboard into the family home it is meant to be.

We have arrived.


Most of the cardboard is now unpacked, but it's going to be two more weeks before the broadband gets here so blogging will be intermittent at best till then. (This is particularly galling as B works for the broadband provider, but apparently it would be unfair to bump us up the queue. I decided against informing them that "life's not fair"...)

That said, it is Wednesday, so this week's secret places Gallery entry (don't want to miss it) is one I made earlier: see my nooks and crannies post of about ten days ago...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Good to see that you are all there and B should be using his POWER!

  2. you made it! And you are a cybermummy ticket winner - does this mean that you are going to come and I can meet you???

    By the way. You've unpacked already (she says glancing around at our piles of boxes still untouched!)

  3. congratulations on arriving Plan B, have been thinking about you and wondering how it's all going. Isn't it interesting how getting the technology working is now so far up the list of priorities when we move around.

  4. congratulations on arriving Plan B, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on. Isn't it interesting how technology has become such a priority to sort out when we move around!

  5. Congrats on arriving! Hope everything is running relatively smoothly and all is well xx

  6. bet you're tired out but excited too - much to look forward to

  7. Just wanted to say welcome to Scotland and hope it won't be too long before you feel settled. Don't know where you are in Scotland, but we do Scottish BMB meets, and I'm part of a Mum's networking group that is very much focused on crafts. Find good music and glass of wine helps with the unpacking ;o)

  8. Morning!

    Congrats on the move - have emailed you a couple of times but not sure if they landed. Could you get back to me today if possible? Mail - at - sallywhittle dot co dot uk?

  9. Welcome to your new home! I wonder how working Mums manage to move home, they are so much the mainstay and support when a family has to make a big move...a big job to keep everyone chirpy and happy, very best of luck!

  10. Glad the move went relatively smoothly!

    There's an award for you over at mine - but only when you have time! I know how chaotic it all is and it can take ages to settle down.

  11. Happy Times in your new home xx

  12. Mad Mummy - he so should, but they're apparently not allowed to. Grrr! Still, got it now, even if it only works in the kichen!

    Pants with Names (love the new name btw) - we had a week of no girls which we spent frantically unpacking any and all boxes in sight. It's now two weeks since they arrived back with us, and funnily enough anything that was not then unpacked is still, well, not unpacked... I suspect we may still have those boxes at Christmas.

    Motherhood and Anarchy - Thank you! But you're so right about the technology. It's such a relief to have it back!

    Hayley - thank you! and yes, all well so far...

    Diney - thank you! Knackered, as you predicted. Still!

    Alison - wow! thank you! Will head over to BMB and join myself up. And hopefully meet you soon!

    Sally - thanks! And still grrr at not being able to take the ticket.

    Kim - my secret? I'm not currently a working mum! The contract for my consultancy is, allegedly, in the post... but for the moment I'm wonderfully unemployed!

    Nappy Valley Girl - thank you all round! Will pick up the award shortly, I promise!

    Chic Mama - thank you!


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...