
Wednesday 29 September 2010

Dear Diary. Or what I haven't been saying.

7th June

After all the dithering and indecision, B told me last night that we can go for it.  I'm seeing the nurse tomorrow for a new patient check up, so I might see about having the coil taken out.

The weird thing is that now this might actually happen all I can think about is how difficult having a fourth child might be.

What if I'm wrong and this isn't what I want?

8th June

Coil still in.  Have to have a week of no sex before they will take it out. B has toothache and is miserable so that shouldn't be too tricky.

Haven't made an appointment yet though.

15th June

It's out.  In fact according to the nurse it was on the point of falling out anyway. That would have been a shock...

I talked to B about it again last night, in an "it's not too late to cancel the appointment" sort of way.  I wondered what he'd think if I changed my mind.  He rolled his eyes, understandably, and said we could wait.  I decided I didn't want to wait.  So I guess I must want this baby (ies!).

The lovely thing though is that B says he'll be disappointed if we don't get pregnant.  We've set a (probably rather flexible) deadline of mid-September, and if I'm not pregnant then, it wasn't meant to be.

In the waiting room I was really nervous. Uncertain about whether this was the right thing to be doing.  In the car afterwards I was sure.

I still am.

I'm still nervous though.

21st  June

The problem is, to have a baby, you've got to have sex.  And what with extracted teeth, temperatures, relations (my family are all here and there's nothing like having family tramping around the corridors to put you off) and periods (periods??? Forgot all about them. Not much fun are they?) we've not exactly been at it like rabbits.

The other problem? It's quite hard to get in the mood when you're thinking "I could get pregnant! Do I want to get pregnant? Is this the right choice?".

I need to get over myself. I want another baby. This is why we're doing this.  I just need to shut up and put out.  And not be too gutted if it doesn't work.

23rd June

Last night I was up four times.  Twice to L and once to each of S and A. They weren't even ill. I don't know what the matter was.  They just woke up and whinged.  A lot.  I haven't had to do that for over a year now. What on earth am I thinking signing up for it all again?

In the morning, B asked me (he'd slept through it all, of course) if I wanted to go back to the nurse. Not helpful. Perhaps the girls are conspiring against us.

25th June 

Just seen some pictures of my friend J's new baby.  This is what I want. But I have realised that it is going to be hard. And if it doesn't happen I think I will accept that.

26th June

I'd forgotten the obsessive over-analyzing that comes with wanting to be pregnant. Everything smells a bit odd this morning and I'm wondering if this is it.  It's not.  If I am pregnant, I'm so early pregnant that there really wouldn't be any symptoms, yet I'm googling "early pregnancy signs" to see if I might be.

What an idiot. This is the third time. You'd have thought I'd know my body better by now.

26th July

A month later and we've stopped (I decided I was too scared of the consequences of a baby) and started (I got my period and was terribly, terribly, bitterly disappointed) again.  I'm still terrified of the consequences of having four children, but I also now know that I can't not try.

30th July

Intense lower abdominal pain. Is this implantation?

31st July

No. Cystitis.  

18 August

My period is five days late.  In anyone else I realise this would be a major sign of pregnancy. It's not for me.  I don't get regular periods. I never have.  If I'm not on the pill I get maybe one period every six or eight months.  Pregnancy signs for me are randomly losing a lot of weight for no reason, being utterly knackered, and just knowing that I'm pregnant.

I'm not losing weight (quite the contrary), I'm totally knackered, but then I've got three children and a million other things to do, and I don't feel pregnant.  On the contrary, I feel like I'm about to get my period.  But...

...But, when I said I don't get regular periods, I'm not sure that was true any more. I've had two periods since the coil came out, bang on 28 days apart.  Maybe the having children has given me a normal body (in one way, not the stretch marks and sag, clearly).

So am I late? Am I pregnant?

I did a test.  I sent B to buy it as I couldn't face asking for a pregnancy test (why do they never put them where you can find them?) with three children in tow.  The woman in Superdrug offered him the digital one (£3 more expensive):

"No thanks, I think I can recognise a blue line"

Turns out he, or rather we, can't.  It's one of those ones where you need a cross if you're pregnant.  I had a very clear downward line and a crosswards line so, so, so faint it was barely there. Except it was.

B thinks it was just showing where it would have been had I been pregnant and that I'm not.  I'm.....well, I'm sort of hoping that if I test again in three days time it might really be there.

Either way, my breasts are now tingling and I'm feeling sick.

19th August

It wasn't a cross.  I've got my period.  What is it about spending £7 on a pregnancy test that makes that happen?

Both sad (although I didn't really think I was, I had allowed myself a little glimmer of hope) and hopeful, because at least getting a period means my body is working and that there is, therefore, the possibility that next month might be it.

I've never had this before - this month to month waiting and hoping (and I realise that makes me incredibly lucky, but there it is).  With L I came off the pill. Then nothing for three months. Then a period. Then a pregnancy.  With the babies I came off the pill, glanced slightly suggestively in B's direction and got pregnant.   Seriously.

Which is why it never really occurred to me that we'd need to get this close to my deadline. I really thought I'd be pregnant by now.

And if I don't get pregnant this month, that's it. Game over.... unless I change the rules.

But there's a point to the rules - I want this baby to be a friend for L, another singleton when A and S have their special club.  And if I get pregnant now, L will be just four when it's born, and eight when it's four, and eighteen when it's fourteen, and I'm wondering whether they'll actually get to be friends until they're in their twenties.... and then there comes a point when it seems silly to keep trying.  And I want this baby while I'm still into the whole nappies thing, and before life takes over, and there is no natural space for a baby, because we're into toddler things, and then little girl things, and then teenage things...

Which makes me very sad for the baby I suspect I might never have.

18 September

Back from holiday and we are agreed.  When my period comes we stop trying.  We don't want to lurch from month to month, and we don't want to make our relationship all about trying to get pregnant.   We need to concentrate on the beautiful girls we already have, and we have so many wonderful things planned to do with them.

So if I am pregnant, we are (all being well) having another baby.  If I am not, we are not.

It is over four weeks since my last period.

23 September

It is five weeks since my last period.  I don't feel like it's about to come on. But then I don't feel pregnant either.

26 September

I'm not losing weight.  I'm not feeling pregnant.  But nonetheless, it turns out I'm definitely not getting my period.

Or not for the next eight and a bit months anyway.

B in shock.  I'm delighted.  Terrified, but delighted.

Five days later and I'm still not sure about publishing this post.  I'm not sure it's the right time, and I'm really not sure about putting this out there when people I know in real life might read it.  

But I find I can't write anything else while this remains unpublished.  So I'm casting my reservations to the ether. 

And if you know me, and reading it makes you cross because I haven't spoken to you directly I apologise.  I think I've told most people, but if I missed you, it wasn't deliberate, honest.   Unless I work with you, in which case it was deliberate.  Because you might tell my boss.  And I need to do that. Just not yet.



  1. Congratulations!! Here's hoping everything goes smoothly!

  2. Congratulations. I'm absolutely delighted for you and sad for me that I'm not having any more babies! I hope all goes well for you xxx

  3. OOh lovely news. Congratulations!

    Just having the one, I can't contemplate what four children would entail!

    Loved how you kept the tension going in this post before the denouement!

  4. Hey well done. This could have been my diary 2 years ago and I still lurch from month to month. Good for you xx

  5. Congratulations!! We tried for almost two years so can empathise with your on-off, up-down feelings. Thanks for sharing your diary. Really hope all goes well for you.

  6. Lovely news. Hope all goes smoothly for you.

  7. Congratulation huni, hope all goes well! Reading this make me broody...dont think boyf would be too impressed if I mentioned it though! lol xxxxxxxxx

  8. Aaaaaawwww! Congratulations - it'll be coffee and lebkuchen in December then? I'll keep the gluwine to myself :)

  9. Congratulations and hope you are feeling well and happy, it will be a wonderful addition to your family (there is a lot to be said for even numbers)... now mine are beginning to leave for university I am wishing I had more! Love and luck, xxx

  10. So exciting. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your diary with us. Here's hoping for a smooth pregnancy (and dare I ask what you are going to do about car seats? ;-))

  11. What wonderul, wonderful, wonderful news. Congratulations. I am so excited for you

  12. Woohoo! What a GREAT post! Congratulations to you and yours! (Slightly envious actually...noooo!)

  13. Woo Hoo! That's utterly brilliant! Enjoy every minute of it. Congratulations to the whole family!

  14. I was completely tranfixed throughout this post - I love your style of writing.
    I can remember only too well the waiting, the pregnancy tests, the disappointment, then the joy. Congratulations, I am really happy for you.

  15. Many many congratulations. Keeping everything crossed for plain sailing pregnancy for you x

  16. Fabulous and tremulous news! I hope it all goes smoothly. And I hope one day to share the same experience!

  17. Congratulations...lovely news!

  18. I was all 'ooo' and 'ahhh' and was totally on tenterhooks right to the end you sod!
    So so pleased for you. Great great news x

  19. Congratulations! I can imagine this feels both thrilling and terrifying for you! What a roller coaster, but reading towards the conclusion of your post, it sounds as though it feels right for you, and that's lovely :)

  20. Thank you all so much for congratulations and best wishes. I've fallen headlong into the feeling utterly awful totally knackered why did I do this stage of pregnancy so it's really helped me to remember that this is happy news and what I wanted! Thank you all collectively and individually:

    Texas Red - and you!

    Tiddlyompompom, Calif Lorna, Fiona, Mad Mummy, Iota, Mwa - thank you all so much. Will keep you posted.

    Trish, Suzanne, Tara - I wasn't trying to keep you in suspense, that's just how it happened... I even had the paragraph written in my head for when I got my period. Just hasn't worked out like that... Glad I gave you a thrill though!

    JenMum and Kelloggsville - I feel realy bad when I talk to people who tried for years. I've had it so lucky, I really have. Thank you so much for your congratulations.

    Mrs W - lebkuchen it is. And maybe just a small gluhwein, as long as you promise not to tell...

    Kim - thank you! Actually really thank you. I don't think we'd have gone for it had it not been for you and others making 4 look not only possible but fun...

    Pants with Names - have been investigating Multimac.... will report back in due course (not doing anything until all scans done and fine though)

    Missy M, Miss Searles and Sandy - quite excited that I've made you broody.... not too late?!! (joke!)

    Geriatric Mummy - and I you!

    Mud in the City - hope so too.

    Shannon - thank you. I think it is right. Time will of course tell, but as B says, we will cope... (crossed fingers)

  21. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww! congrats, just great news ... sending you great womb vibes in the early days :-).
    4 children? you are bonkers!
    I hope the pregancy is a glower :-)

  22. Wow. a really great post, had me poised on the end of my seat. congrats my love.
    i'm so glad i never had to go through this, getting pregnant was quick, we were very lucky.
    Keep us posted!


  23. loved reading that. really loved it. congrats. meanwhile, that double line (or cross) eludes me.....

  24. Oh such wonderful wonderful news! I hope you are feeling better by now (I'm no good at counting up weeks but guess you are getting into double figures now?) and the Scottish autumn/winter is being kind to you. I tried to leave a message here when I read it on my phone but no joy, so sorry this is a bit late!

    MD xx

  25. Young Mummy - mad?! Me?! Actually I know. But now I'm coming out of the feeling awful bit, and I know there's just the one in there, I'm allowing myself to feel a bit excited too....

    M2M - thank you. And we were lucky too. That's only three months. I realise some people wait years.... I am in awe of them.

    Babies who brunch - thank you. And crossing fingers for you.

    MD - thank you! Now 11 weeks and counting and had the scan so all is official (and I've told my boss!). And don't worry about being late - still lovely to hear happy congratulations.

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