Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Gallery - April

April?  April?  What can I say about April?  Particularly now that it's May...

Well, April 2010 has been about picnics and birthdays and Spring finally being round the corner, and castles and walks and visitors, and builders and a new roof, and an ever growing bump, and a world tour of Kent, and Easter and chocolate and eggs, and suddenly getting the point of the Easter Bunny, and endless cups of raspberry leaf tea, and apple blossom, and only having one working loo between five of us and all the builders, and scraping the car again, and discovering that S is scared of ladybirds, and a new wendy house, and picking the spiders off the paddling pool, and some people getting married, and realising it's not as warm as it looks, and tulips and daffodils and deadheading and weeding, and blinking and you missed it and you've got the whole of the Summer stretching before you and a new baby very nearly here.

But that was April 2010, and this is just April.  Because however old she gets, and however much she doesn't need me any more, April will, for me, always be about one thing. My first born. Because it is her month, even four years on.


Click here for more Spring-like (and not so Spring-like) pictures in the Gallery


  1. Thought you'd had the baby when I saw that photo! What a beautiful picture. And what a month! Hope these last few weeks go well for you.

  2. This is always going to be a very special month for you all! Lovely photo!

  3. Beautiful baby! April is a special month in many ways x

  4. I love your exhausting list of Aprilness! It has been a bit of a whirlwind month. Hoping all going well x

  5. How gorgeous and cute! a great take on the theme

  6. Lovely :)
    My little man is an April baby too - was 2 on the 20th, and pretty much the whole month was all about him! :D

  7. Loving both the words and the photo!

  8. Ohh bless, what a gorgeous baby pic. Lovely that you associate the whole month with your firstborn.

    Mich x

  9. Beautiful picture and sentiment.
    Also a great rundown on a busy and eventful month.
    I have a similar theme to yours over at

  10. Sorry all, no baby yet, but I'm now definitely into the countdown...

    Oh, and happy birthday to little Mr LeslieAnne!

  11. What an adoreable photo, just imagine there will be another little one very soon. April has been wonderful this year

  12. I too thought that you had had your baby, what a lovely picture. Hope you are keeping well, won't be long now...

  13. Great picture and some lovely words too. Nice. :)

  14. ah she's lovely x

  15. Thanks again. And especially to everyone who kindly didn't point out that I'm running 12 months behind and it is actually now 2011... Whoops.

  16. So so cute :)


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...