Friday, 27 May 2011

Dear So and So - the bored now edition.

Dear Baby,

Come out? Please?

Mummy x


Dear S,

Just because you can climb out of your cot, doesn't mean you should.   And 3 am is never an acceptable time to get up. Ever.

Mummy x


Dear Baby,

Please come out.

Mummy x


Dear A,

Yes, ok, you've understood, and you stay in.  Very clever. Well done. Thank you.

Still no excuse for being filthy during the day though.

Although when you look at me like that I can forgive you pretty much anything.  But that works for your sisters too.

Mummy x


Dear Baby,

Come on!

Mummy x


Dear L,

I said I'd never say it, but...

Life's not fair. Sorry.

And being told off for something you did wrong has absolutely nothing to do with fairness, equality or the state of the world economy, it's just what happens.  Tough.

Mummy x


Dear baby,

What do you want?

I've walked, I've bounced, I've drunk endless cups of raspberry leaf tea. I've eaten curry (Indian and Thai).

I've even resorted to leering suggestively at your father.

Is it pineapple? Because I can get pineapple...

Mummy x


Dear builders,

You're doing a fantastic job. You really are.  I'm so pleased. Just do you think you could do it slightly quicker?  Would be lovely to have somewhere to put this baby... Oh, and a kitchen would be nice too.



Dear medical professionals and random women in the supermarket,

Yes, I know I should be resting. Yes, I know that the baby won't come if I'm not relaxed (actually I think that's nonsense - if I don't relax for 22 months does that make me an elephant), yes, I know I should get lots of early nights, but have you seen what's going on in this house?

My mother is 350 miles away and caring for my father, my mother's help is on holiday, my children are refusing to sleep, the builder needs to know whether I want the lights "here" or "here", and you want me to rest?
Yours grumpily

Kitchen-less woman, ex-pat (sort of) daughter, and mother-of-three and a nearly.


Dear friends,
I've known only a few of you for more than a year, yet I am overwhelmed with how kind you are being. I have a list of names and numbers, and I know that whoever I ring, at whatever time, will be here like a shot.

Thank you all so much. I am doing everything I can to ensure that this baby arrives at a civilised hour. 
Sadly, that's nothing, but it's the thought that counts.

Harriet x


Dear self

Shut up. He'll come when he comes.

Bored now.

Me x


Dear readers,
Sorry if I'm getting slightly tedious on the subject of waiting, but consider it a tiny insight into the inside of my head.

I promise though. No more waiting for the baby posts until he's here.

And head over to Kat's for more postcards.


ps Oh, and if you were to fancy voting for me....


  1. This did make me laugh, although very sympathetically! I remember the last two weeks waiting for the boy to come. The next person to give me advice on how to make a baby come out (including relax - what tosh) was so going to get a punch in the head!!

  2. Glad to have amused.... In fact you've inspired me (is this allowed) to add an extra one because all the old wives tales are certainly coming out now... As I say, he'll come when he comes (my mother says this weekend - thanks mum, that's enormously helpful) and in the meantime I just need to shut up!

  3. Come on baby!!! I too played the waiting game for 2.5 weeks post due date. How many people have asked "if there is any news?"

  4. I am a mad voting machine for you, Harriet.

    Also the unfair note to L? I want to print it out and frame it.

  5. Always amused me when people asked "are you still here?" Um... yes... because even when I've had the baby, I'm not going to disappear, be abducted by aliens, or whatever. And these days, the stay in hospital isn't long enough to seem as if you have.

    Good luck!

  6. It's a good sign - it means he'll be a laid back little chap.

    My son arrived 2 weeks early and breach - he's not changed since!

    Good luck (again!)

  7. When's it due? Are you still here? No sign yet then? Have you tried ....? (going for the annoying the heck out of you might bring it on approach ) :)

  8. Oooh, good luck! And feel free to write any posts you feel you need to write - I've been there and it is a long long wait!

  9. Wiiiiiiiiiiilling that baby to pop out.
    Wiiiiiiiiilling it
    *Willing face*


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...