Sunday, 3 November 2013

Starting small

So I'm doing this whole posting more regularly thing.  And I will; I promise.  As I will also reply to all the lovely comments on that post.

But in the meantime, this, by Berger and Wyse, and from Saturday's Guardian, made me giggle.

And so to bed.


  1. Having read your last post, and this post by thescentofwater I thought the quote at the bottom might appeal to you?

    It was a nice reminder for me of why I started blogging. Do it as long as you enjoy it I say, much more of a failure to persist with something you aren't enjoying out of a misplaced sense of duty. Your posts are always interesting, so I look forward to the next month of reading them! and having never heard of NaBloPoMo until you mentioned it I might even join you in the twice a week target!

    1. Hello! and welcome. And thank you for giving me not one, but two new blogs to read (saving the scent of water for tomorrow)...

    2. thescentofwater is a beautiful daily read!

  2. Oh very funny.

    It reminds me of this: sometimes when you cross the road in London, written on the tarmac in front of you is "LOOK RIGHT". I find myself wanting to say "I'm doing my best, I'm doing my best. It's just a bad hair day. OK?"

    1. I've never thought of that, but now I'll find myself saying "Hello Iota" when I see it instead...

    2. Every time I see the 'dogs must be carried' sign on the underground, I pat my pockets and say (in my head, not quite taking to myself in public yet) oh bugger and there's me without the dogs when I need them.

  3. I often catch myself looking at myself in window reflections et al. I say catch because the thought process goes "Blimey, she looks knackered, oh bugger, that's me, is that me, oh god, it is me. Oh dear" then I realise I've been looking at myself for too long and everybody around now thinks I'm vain. And a delusional vain at that!

    1. Delusional only because I'm sure you don't look nearly as knackered as you think you do!


I know. I'm sorry. I hate these word recognition, are you a robot, guff things too, but having just got rid of a large number of ungrammatical and poorly spelt adverts for all sorts of things I don't want, and especially don't want on my blog, I'm hoping that this will mean that only lovely people, of the actually a person variety, will comment.

So please do. Comments are great...